
Bitlobber is a web service for transferring data to/from public computers without entering credentials (which could be keylogged), and without inserting USB keys (which could be infected).

How It Works

  1. Upload a file by dropping it onto the green drop target.
  2. You'll receive a key which can be used by you or anyone else to download the file from another computer.
  3. Keys can be used to download a file up to five times.
  4. Keys will automatically expire after 24 hours, and the file will be deleted on the server. Don't wait too long before downloading your file!

Things to Consider

  • Bitlobber doesn't do anything with your files except let you download them later, but it could! Don't upload sensitive data that it's crucial that no one else should see.
  • Bitlobber doesn't modify your files in any way, but it could! Don't upload executable files, or at least verify the file integrity before executing the file after download.
  • Don't rely on Bitlobber with truly irreplaceable data. Someone else could guess your key and consume the five-downloads-limit before you get a chance to download the file yourself. The file will be deleted and your data will be lost.
  • Basically: Use Bitlobber at your own risk!


I'd love to hear from you! I can be reached at treaster [at] gmail [dot] com.